andean mountain cat

Length 95 - 130 cm (37 - 52")
Weight 3 - 6 kg (7 - 15 lbs)
Height Approx 36 cm (14")
Range Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina
Habitat Treeless zone above 11,500 ft
Reproduction Unknown
Colouring Silvery grey with dark stripes



 Although scientists suspect that the Andean cat (Oreailurus jacobita) is a threatened species, they have only begun to study its distribution and biology. In 2004, researchers for the first time placed a radio-transmitting collar on one of these animals to track its movements. Some people who live in the high Andes, where the Andean cat is found, believe that killing one brings bad luck. Yet a cat skin, if found or inherited, is considered a prized possession, and stuffed cats are used in traditional ceremonies.


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